Service TAT

Service TAT - Health

In accordance with Schedule I of the Insurance ecommerce guidelines issued by IRDAI on 9th March 2017, Saarte Insurance Brokers Private Limited (formerly known as Saarte Insurance Web Aggregator Private Limited), as an ISNP follows the following service TAT’s for online sale of Health Insurance products:

Policyholder servicing turnaround times are as follows:
Service parameters Maximum turnaround time (calendar days) Turnaround time to be calculated from
Written communication of decisions on the proposal / raising additional requirements on the proposal 15 days Date of receipt of the proposal or the date of receipt of any requirement called for, whichever is later
Providing copy of accepted proposal form 5 days Date of acceptance of the proposal
Refund of proposal deposit post cancellation of proposal 15 days Date of case decision/date of receipt of last necessary document /date of receipt of request for cancellation of proposal, whichever is later
Requests for refund towards free look cancellation, surrender and withdrawal; refund of proposal deposit; refund of outstanding proposal deposit, if any 10 days Date of receipt of request/last necessary document, whichever is later
Acknowledgement of Grievance 5 days Date of receipt of Grievance
Resolution of Grievance 14 days Endeavor to provide a resolution on the Grievance within 14 Days of receipt of Grievance
Compliance of KYC norms --- KYC is not required up to a premium payment of 50K. However, for premiums above 50K PAN Number is required which is collected as part of the customer onboarding journey.

Service TAT - Life

In accordance with Schedule I of the Insurance ecommerce guidelines issued by IRDAI on 9th March 2017, Saarte Insurance Brokers Private Limited (formerly known as Saarte Insurance Web Aggregator Private Limited), as an ISNP follows the following service TAT’s for online sale of Life Insurance products:

Policyholder servicing turnaround times are as follows:
Service parameters Maximum turnaround time (calendar days) Turnaround time to be calculated from
Written communication of decisions on the proposal / raising additional requirements on the proposal 15 days Date of receipt of the proposal or the date of receipt of any requirement called for, whichever is later
Providing copy of accepted proposal form 5 days Date of acceptance of the proposal
Refund of proposal deposit post cancellation of proposal 15 days Date of case decision/date of receipt of last necessary document /date of receipt of request for cancellation of proposal, whichever is later
Requests for refund towards free look cancellation, surrender and withdrawal; refund of proposal deposit; refund of outstanding proposal deposit, if any 10 days Date of receipt of request/last necessary document, whichever is later
Acknowledgement of Grievance 5 days Date of receipt of Grievance
Resolution of Grievance 14 days Endeavor to provide a resolution on the Grievance within 14 Days of receipt of Grievance
Compliance with KYC norms 45 days Date of transaction of the Website/ mobile application

Service TAT - Motor, Two Wheeler & Travel

In accordance with Schedule I of the Insurance ecommerce guidelines issued by IRDAI on 9th March 2017, Saarte Insurance Brokers Private Limited (formerly known as Saarte Insurance Web Aggregator Private Limited), as an ISNP follows the following service TAT’s for online sale of General Insurance products - Travel, Motor and 2W:

Policyholder Policyholder servicing turnaround times are as follows:
Service parameters Maximum turnaround time (calendar days) Turnaround time to be calculated from
Written communication of decisions on the proposal / raising additional requirements on the proposal 15 days Date of receipt of the proposal or the date of receipt of any requirement called for, whichever is later
Providing copy of accepted proposal form 5 days Date of acceptance of the proposal
Refund of proposal deposit post cancellation of proposal 10 days Date of case decision/date of receipt of last necessary document /date of receipt of request for cancellation of proposal, whichever is later
Requests for refund towards free look cancellation, surrender and withdrawal; refund of proposal deposit; refund of outstanding proposal deposit, if any 10 days Date of receipt of request/last necessary document, whichever is later
Acknowledgement of Grievance 5 days Date of receipt of Grievance
Resolution of Grievance 14 days Endeavor to provide a resolution on the Grievance within 14 Date of receipt of Grievance
Compliance of KYC norms --- KYC is not required upto premium payment of 50K. However for premium above 50K pan number is required which is collected as part of the customer onboarding journey.

Modified on: 30-January-2023

Procedure & Processes

HEALTH INSURANCE : Procedures, processes and timelines of post-sales servicing (in accordance with Schedule III of Insurance e-commerce guidelines)

This document has detailed information on the procedures, processes and timelines for post sales servicing. If in case, you want to avail any of these services, you may do so by: Sending your request at our email id from your registered email id.

Issuance and crediting of the Policy document / Certificate of Insurance / Proposal form

Turnaround time is 15 calendar days from the date of receipt of complete documents.

Organizing medical checkup and submission of medical reports

Medical checkups are required by the Insurers per the plan that the customer has procured. If the plan requires a medical check up - once customer has made the payment of the recently purchased online plan, he/she would be routed to complete the next steps i.e. Schedule Medical (if applicable).

Issuance of endorsement

An endorsement is issued to the policyholder whenever any contractual changes (permitted by the plan/policy) are requested by the policyholder, accepted by the Insurer and made in the policy. Please refer to sections (d), (g), (l) and (n) of this document for types of changes and their respective documentation.

The turnaround time is 15 business days from the date of receipt of complete documents.

Change of Policy Terms and Conditions/Details Change

Correction of Date of Birth (DOB): Change of DOB request means a change or correction in the Date of Birth of the policyholder, life insured or nominee / trustee.

Documents required to carry out the request are:

Date of Birth Proof

Additional Premium (wherever applicable due to change of DOB)

The turnaround time is 15 business days from the date of receipt of complete documents

Increase in sum assured / Decrease in Sum assured: As per policy contract, this transaction is allowed only the time of renewal.

Documents required to carry out the request are:

Change Request form (wherever applicable)

Premium (wherever applicable)

Medicals (wherever applicable)

The turnaround time is 15 business days from the date of receipt of complete documents.

Correction of Gender: Change in Gender means updating of correct Gender in Customer’s Policy.

Documents required

ID Proof in which DOB should match with our records.

Premium (wherever applicable due to change of Gender).

The turnaround time is 10 business days from the date of receipt of complete documents

Change of Name/Address

Change of name: If in case, you want to place request for change of name, you are requested to submit below mentioned requirements.


A valid name change proof (on which customer's DOB should match with our records) DOB Proof should be in DD-MM-YY order

Name Change affidavit (as per state value) attested by first class magistrate

The turnaround time is 15 business days from the date of receipt of complete documents

Change of address: If in case, you want to place request for change of address, you are requested to submit below mentioned requirements.


Self-Attested valid address Proof of new address

Turnaround time is 15 business days from the date of receipt of complete documents

LIFE INSURANCE : Procedures, processes and timelines for Pre- Sales solicitation of insurance policies.

E-Quote generation on the digital platform:

The E-Quote for a customer is generated once he/she fills up the basic details like DOB, Gender, Smoker/non smoker, Cover Amount, personal details – Name, mobile, email ID.

Plan selection & redirection to Product page:

Upon E-Quote generation customer can check the Quotes from various insurance companies and select any insurance company’s plan that the customer wishes to purchase, he will then be redirected to product page for that insurer which lists down all the details of the plan selected and gives option to select riders.

Redirection to Payment Gateway:

Customer is redirected to the payment gateway ( PG) page and premium payment is made by him/her. Customer has various payment options to pay the initial premium at the time of application for example - through internet banking, debit card, credit card and wallets. These options are available on the payment page of the proposal form journey on our website/ mobile application. This might change from time to time. Apart from this, standing instruction option is also available to pay future renewal premiums. Once customer has made the payment online, he/she would be directed to complete the next steps i.e. Fill Proposal form, Upload Documents & Schedule Medical (if applicable).

For any sales related queries, the customer can call us on: 1800-419-7713

LIFE INSURANCE : Procedures, processes and timelines for Post Sales servicing of insurance policies

Filling up the proposal form:

Underwriting of insurance proposals is done basis the disclosures by the life insured/proposer in the proposal form, hence it is mandatory to verify the details filled in the proposal form and authenticate them through OTP (One-time password) authentication.

On completion of payment and proposal form filling, a copy of proposal form (PDF) along with payment acknowledgment will be sent to the customer’s registered email ID.

The proposal form journey consists of below sections:

Personal Details – This section contains details like name, contact details, education, nationality

Employment details – This section contains details like employment like salaried / self employed, name of employer, designation, income

Address Details – This section contains details like Address, City & Pin Code.

Insurance history – This section contains details on any other insurance cover

Nominee details – This section contains details on nomination like name, relation

Lifestyle & well-being – This section contains details like height, weight, travel & adventure

Health– This section contains details regarding medical disclosure on any previous investigations, diagnosis or treatment

OTP (One-time password) authentication – Customer needs to enter the OTP to authenticate the details provided in the proposal form. OTP is sent on customer’s mobile & email with a validity of 30 minutes.

Review & acceptance – This section contains details of all the information filled up in previous sections for easy review and acceptance of proposal by the customer.

Document Upload:

In upload documents section, customer has to upload self-attested copy of below mentioned documents:


Address proof (communication & permanent address)

Identity proof

Income proof

Schedule Medicals:

In schedule medical section, the customer needs to select a preferred date and time for medicals. The medicals can either be at customer’s residence or he / she will be required to visit the insurers empanelled diagnostic centres. Details of these are available on schedule medical page and in case of any changes, customer will be informed accordingly.

Policy underwriting & decision of policy issuance is made by the insurer. Once the policy is issued, policy pack will be sent to customer at his / her communication address as selected on the proposal form by the insurer but the soft copy of the issued policy shall be sent to customer’s email ID by Policy bazaar

Change of Policy Terms and Conditions/Details Change

Correction of Date of birth: Change of DOB request means a change or correction in the Date of Birth of the policyholder, life insured or nominee

Documents required:

DOB change form (for all policy numbers)

Self attested Date of Birth Proof

Premium (wherever applicable due to change of DOB)

Revised Illustration duly signed

Turnaround time is 10 days from the date of receipt of complete documents

Collection of renewal premiums and remittance to insurers:

Select the insurer for which you wish to pay the renewal premium.

Input policy number for which premium is due.

Enter DOB of the life insured.

Pay amount due on the Payment Gateway through internet banking, debit card, credit card

Receipt for renewal payment will be sent to registered Email Id in 2 days from date of transaction.

For any service related queries, customer can contact us on 1800-258-5970 or Email us at

Process Timelines:
Process Timeline
Filling up of proposal form 45 Days
Electronic copy of proposal form and payment acknowledgement 5 days
One Time Password (OTP) for authentication of details mentioned in proposal form 10 Mins
KYC documentation The Customer relationship team will follow up on completion of proposal form
Medical scheduling The Customer relationship team will follow up on completion of proposal form
Acceptance of proposal form 15 days post completion of documentation & medicals, if any
Refund 15 days from the date of underwriting

MOTOR & TWO WHEELER : Procedures, processes and timelines of post-sales servicing.

This document has detailed information on the procedures, processes and timelines for post sales servicing. If in case, you want to avail any of these services, you may do so by: Sending your request at our email id from your registered email id.

Issuance and crediting of the Policy document / Certificate of Insurance / Proposal form

The turnaround time for issuance and crediting of policy is 7 (seven) calendar days from the date of receipt of complete documents by the Insurer.

Organizing inspection and submission of video inspection report:

Once customer has made the payment of the purchased online plan, he/she would be routed to complete the next steps i.e. Schedule an Inspection (if applicable).

Issuance of endorsement

An endorsement is issued to the policyholder whenever any contractual changes are accepted and made in the policy. Please refer to below sections of this document for types of changes and their respective documentation

The turnaround time is 15 (fifteen) calendar days from the date of receipt of complete documents by the Insurer.

Change of Policy Terms and Conditions/Details Change

Correction of Date of Birth(DOB):Change of DOB request means a change or correction in the Date of Birth of the policyholder, life insured or nominee / Trustee.

Documents required:

DOB change form (for all policy numbers)

Self attested Date of Birth Proof

Premium (wherever applicable due to change of DOB)

Revised Illustration duly signed

Change of Policy Terms and Conditions/Details Change

Correction of Date of Birth(DOB):Change of DOB request means a change or correction in the Date of Birth of the policyholder, life insured or nominee / Trustee.

Documents required:

DOB change form (for all policy numbers)

Self attested Date of Birth Proof

Premium (wherever applicable due to change of DOB)

Revised Illustration duly signed

Vehicles details change

Registration Certificate (RC)

Premium (wherever applicable due to change in NCB, IDV, Ownership transfer, CC Fuel type, CNG addition, MFG year, Legal liablity for paid driver & model and variant)./p>

The turnaround time is 15 (fifteen) calendar days from the date of receipt of complete documents by the Insurer.

Effective date of coverage change:

As per contract. A customer can change on the basis of previous year policy

Documents required:

Previous year policy

Turnaround time is 15 calendar days from the date of receipt of complete documents

Change of Name/Address

Change of name: If in case, you want to place request for change of name, you are requested to submit below mentioned requirements.

Documents :

Previous year policy

Turnaround time is 15 calendar days from the date of receipt of complete documents

Change of Name/Address

Change of name: If in case, you want to place request for change of name, you are requested to submit below mentioned requirements.

Documents :

RC Copy

Previous year policy copy

Change of address:If in case, you want to place request for change of address, you are requested to submit below mentioned require ments


Self-Attested valid address Proof of new address

Change of Nomination

Change of nomination:As per policy contract, policyholder may nominate any other person, to whom the money secured under the policy shall be paid in the event of death of the policyholder. If in case, you want to place request for change of nominee, you are requested to submit below mentioned requirements

Documents required:

A request letter duly signed by the policyholder, mentioning the new nominee name

Email from registered email id stating name of nominee and relation

Turnaround time is 15 calendar days from the date of receipt of complete documents by the Insurer.

Modified on: 30-January-2023
