Saarte aims to deliver transparent and impartial information regarding insurance products and services. The content provided is of a general nature, and our commitment is to present unbiased, accurate, and responsible data to the best of our abilities. However, we explicitly state that we are not accountable for any discrepancies in the data published on our website, portal, or mobile application.

There is no intention to violate any intellectual property or ancillary rights, and all information on our platform is subject to our discretion and may change without prior notice. Any alterations relevant to public utility will be communicated through our website, portal, or mobile application.

While we strive to maintain high standards of quality, clarity, and accuracy in the material posted on our platform, Saarte assumes no legal responsibility for any consequences arising from the use of the information.

Employees, partners, and associated staff of Saarte are not responsible for any loss, harm, or damage resulting from or related to the usage of information from our website, portal, or mobile application. Customers are advised to exercise their own discretion in such matters.

It is imperative to recognize that insurance is a subject matter of solicitation and market risks. Customers bear the responsibility of understanding the limitations and risks associated with insurance policies. In no circumstance do we accept liability in such cases. We strongly recommend reading the subject and offer documents carefully, as the information provided on our platform is intended for financial and insurance purposes.

The association between customers and our website, portal, or mobile application is based on the customer's sole discretion and risk.

By using our services, you acknowledge and confirm that you are solely responsible for the authenticity of the documents uploaded. We act solely as facilitators, and the acceptance or rejection of claims rests solely with the insurer.

Visitors to our website, portal, or mobile application, as well as third parties, are hereby informed that Saarte Insurance Web Aggregator Private Limited (the owners of this platform), are not agents, corporate agents, related parties, or intermediaries of the insurers featured on our platform. While efforts are made to provide accurate policy/product comparisons, quotes, features, etc., based on information from insurers, Saarte Insurance Web Aggregator Private Limited, its directors, shareholders, officers, employees, and are not responsible or liable for any individual's investment decisions. Every prospect, investor, or policyholder is solely responsible for the consequences of their decisions.